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Wong Keen Hing aka Justin

When was the last time you tried recalling something that you never remembered?

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Save the Animals
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Christmas Christmas Christmas

Sorry for the absence, I was busy with this year's Bangsar Christmas production: the portrait of Christmas. It was a blast! We had Actor's Studio Bangsar filled to the brim on both nights. This year, I get to play the guitar, sing in the choir and play the role of a wise man. Tiring but what fun! I get to do a British accent and make people laugh; I've always wanted to do a comedy. Got my wish. :D

Myself, Christine, Angie, Winston, Ju Ean and Lin Yi

It's not everyday that I get to dress like Il Divo. And it was the first time I used hair gel in eons. Khong Su Ann said that I looked too smart. Guess people ain't used to a tidy me. But me having combed hair has a price: it reveals my huge forehead.

Gosh my head is big. I'm hating it.

But all in all these productions are always good experience. I look forward to it every year, next to the annual youth camp. Still, none were as big as the X-Child 2003. The tickets were cheaper, the story deeper, the choir pieces longer, the nights longer, everything. Oh well, this year's has a good effect anyway, thanks to prayer.

A bunch of people and a rastafarian wannabe

Today, for Christmas eve, Li San, Choi Lin and myself went to Delicious for lunch! Mmmmm delicious....

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Then I went Christmas shopping for the first time, at least I think its the first time. I rarely get gifts for friends so.... if you didn't get anything from me, blame it on my youth. We then bumped into Winston and Wan. What a delightful surprise! Then we bumped into Pat Woo and Colin Ng! Christmas is magical after all. Also due to the fact that we found parking at Bangsar as easy as 124.

Well I'm off to continue my Christmas eve by taking an undeserved nap. Merry Christmas!

Another piece of Justin Wong's mind at 12/24/2005 03:52:00 PM


hi, just wondering if this pat woo you bumped into happen to be a lawyer? at
6/10/2008 08:54:00 AM
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