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Wong Keen Hing aka Justin

When was the last time you tried recalling something that you never remembered?

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Save the Animals
Friday, December 09, 2005
So ends the semester

I had my last two papers today: Italian at 8am and Moral at 12pm. I had a real bad running nose throughout the entire duration, goodness it was horrible. The Italian paper was tough enough, even if I came healthy and all. Moral? I HATE MORAL. Hated it ever since form 2. There's absolutely no point and its making me MISERABLE. GAAHHH...

Went home and continued playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

At this point, I have almost finished packing. Now all I need is a torchlight, my goggles, and my toothbrush. I'm going to Penang for five days! Woohooooo!! I hope I will get well enough in time tho, *sniff*. With God's grace, I will! :D

This is my 99th post since the creation of -ENLIGHTEN-. As soon as I return, I will write a special 100th post bonanza! Featuring everything I can ever think of to make the post big. So stay tuned! I'll come back on the 14th so my big post will arrive 15th or 16th. In the meantime, you can still browse through my categories on the left. I added two new ones so enjoy!

Don't miss me too much..

Another piece of Justin Wong's mind at 12/09/2005 11:00:00 PM


how can i not miss u ? lol.. hp also tak bukak.. dat day i go lowyat. tot wan to ajak u but cant contact u pulak at
12/13/2005 09:56:00 AM
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