This is the continuing series entitled 'The Adventures of Richard and Rashid', the story of a British commissioner, Richard O' Reily, who sailed to Malaya to educate an accidental Public Affairs Minister, Rashid bin Razak, in order to establish relations between the two worlds in the 18th Century.
At an obscure place in Malaya that nobody has ever heard of...
Richard: For the last time, Rashid, we - are - lost! We are more lost than that poetic herder from Turkey who got stranded in northern Prague back in the days of Boughberry! We should have taken the left turn a mile and a half ago!
Rashid : Alar.. janganlah merajuk, bos. Majlis Kebesaran Raja bermula esok, bukan hari ini..
Richard: Well, yes but I am not going to spend several hours trodding in this endless pathway reeking of animal excretion. This is insane!
Rashid : Sedikit busuk pun tak boleh tahan ke? Ya ampun..
Richard: There.. I see somebody. Go, ask him for directions.
Rashid : Assalamulaikum, bolehkah engkau beritahu arahan jalan ke Kota Bertikam?
Man : Ya, boleh.. Mula-mula, jalan terus sehingga petanda jalan di sana itu. Kemudian, belok kanan ke Jalan Tunku Muzaffar Al-Hashim..
Richard: (By George, that's the longest name for a road I have ever heard in my life..)
Man : .. itu terletak satu pondok. Di belakang pondok tersebut terdapat satu lorong, iaitu Lorong Datuk Syamsuddin Taufik bin Syamsul. Dari situ, pergi terus ke Bulatan Sultan Muhammad Mustafar bin Maharajalela Moktharuddin..
Richard: ...
Man : .. barulah sampai Kampung Aman. Ikut arah Timur ke Jalan Ahmad Iskandar Haji Oman dan kemudian ke Jalan Haji Oman Iskandar Ahmad..
Richard: (What... is... this place?)
Tune in next time for more... 'The Adventures of Richard and Rashid'